

EMMY & GRAMMY nom Illustration & vis dev / Adventure Time world creator / Midnight Gospel / Sponge Bob / Gravity Falls / NehruvianDOOM / RAW trays / NFTs

フォロー数:2152 フォロワー数:3868

DEAD VIS DEV💀Over the past few years i've been mostly working on visual development for various studio shows and movies. Now that many of them are dead and buried, imma pour some out to honor the ones that didn't make it...if you know, you know...

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Nearly done with my huge Mushroom Meadow illustration!!! Sooo many tiny Bokis, yall ain't ready for this shizzz...can't wait to blow your minds 🤯

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Super bullish on !!! Scooped a couple more GEMS off the floor!!! Amazing time to join the project!!! Post your best and maybe they will show up chillin in my Mushroom Meadow illustration!!! You know this shizzz gonna blow yo mushroom lovin mind!!!

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Scooped the one and only Mushroom Cowboy off the floor yesterday!!! AAAND i'm almost finished with my huge Mushroom Meadow illustration!!! 24 x 12in !!! It's been slow cooking and is seriously dripping with juices!!! Here's a little preview to wet your whistle!!! 👀🌲😎

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Made some mockups what my Ghostshrimp Glamified Pages would look like inside of some random Gobblers!!! PRETTY FUGGGIN GOOEY COUSINS!!! Can't wait to see the belly gallery function reveal!!! SHIZZZ GONNA POP OFFFFFF!!!!!

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The team has informed me that i made history by being the first to feed art to their gobbler!!! THE GENESIS GOBBLED GOBBLER!!! It isn't showing up inside yet - they are working on it - so i did a mock up of what it will look like!!!

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Had to grope some new to buff out my collection!!! Still need a couple more and to balance my stash!!!

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trending on !!! Better scoop a few of these cuties before floor price doubles again!!!

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Also scooped another that i've been so horny for!!! CHAINSAW BRO BOT!!! LFG!!!

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Never been a better time to scoop those !!! Especially some shroomies 😉

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