

Mind goblin?

run by @misplaymaker
pfp by @mochikaeru78

フォロー数:345 フォロワー数:780

several of the non-game spinoff characters do have official zun art, it's usually just sketches though
mostly the pre-2010 spinoff characters, and usually they come from slightly more obscure sources

139 568

sunny has the same color palette as mug™ root beer™

154 558

sannyo might be one of the most out-of-place characters in the touhou franchise
she's very unpopular according to thvote, a canon smoker who runs a gambling den, and heavily implied to have been a prostitute
a pretty stark contrast to the more goofy characters in the series

62 654

its funny that remilia, in her own game, and in profiles from other touhou media (like PMiSS) she's portrayed as an incredibly strong and dangerous youkai that even other youkai fear
but everything else she appears in shows her to be a whiny baby who's not as strong as she thinks

149 1013

cool touhou fact
the forest of magic is named as such because it's full of psychoactive mushrooms
marisa, who lives in the forest, has a tendency to forage random mushrooms without identifying them
this leaves us with the implication that she's high off her ass most of the time

297 1343

if i hit 200 followers by sunday i'll attempt to drink sunny milk (sunny D mixed with milk)

46 304