

Welcome, this account is devoted to high-quality images of space, sharing quality astrophotography

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One of the most accurate images on How would the milky way look like from outer space? .

629 5206

HDR Moon composite

437 4921

What if we made this on r/Place ?

290 3931

Pillars of Creation shot with my 10 motorized dobsonian

161 1534

I drew the Orion Alcohol markers, colored pencils, and digital stars.

111 1056

My re-process on the stunning APOD of the Horse Head and the Flame A Lion in Orion. Source in comments.

51 373

Bode's through my backyard telescope

417 5048

Nebula, Oil Pastel, Black Chalk Paper

67 789

My digital drawing of part of Monkey Head (NGC 2174) as seen in infrared by HST

92 1015

Everyone images Orion because he’s good to practice on. 43-minute integration from my backyard (Bortle 9).

157 1657