Red & Flynn || Shiloh & Nevermoreさんのプロフィール画像

Red & Flynn || Shiloh & Nevermoreさんのイラストまとめ

Creators. Girlfriends. Maniacs. We make Shiloh (demonic noir) and Nevermore (gothic romance) on @webtoonofficial. Ringo winners. Red is Kit. Flynn is Kate.

フォロー数:982 フォロワー数:26382

Starting with request sketches, might do some games later! See you there, cuties~

2 7

✨ Happy holidays to you and yours! (Sketch requests from our lovely readers~) ✨

7 21

It's stream time! Also holiday times! That isn't related, I'm just real friggin excited about holiday times. Come hang out, play games, see arts~!! BYOB (What does the B mean? Seriously, someone please tell me.)

1 10

Hey babes, no page tonight. We'll see you Sunday for stream. Right now we're very caught up with violent holiday activities. Hope your holidays are awesome, and we'll be back with new pages next year~

1 18

G'day! It's that time of week! Get in here for games, art, and possible (definite) shenaniganery~ (That's a word now, shhh.)

1 8

The appropriate reaction when anyone shines a flashlight in your eyes.

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