Chonky Red Cat Floof At the Keyboardさんのプロフィール画像

Chonky Red Cat Floof At the Keyboardさんのイラストまとめ

Podcaster at and master of all things feline, JRPG, and Power Metal. Non-binary/Trans-Masc. Nazis and TERFs fuck off.

フォロー数:117 フォロワー数:162

Post a picture of your OC and three things that inspired them:

A mellow, fun-loving singer that's passionate about his hobbies, but isn't afraid to have a blast with them.

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I'm a bitchy king wannabe and I hate human children, so this makes 100% sense.

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My friend issued a challenge to do a picture. I watched Hocus Pocus for the first ttime this month and had witches on the brain for this.

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This was just the first 4 I could think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there more. I loved this system. Plus, my OG 3DS XL was my last Xmas present from my dad, so it has a special place in my heart.

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FAVORITE PIECES MEME TIME! So hard to pick from. I have lots of pieces I've done over the reboot that I love, and it changes from day to day.


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Who wants to hear more about my weird nerds?

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Have a little bit of Scott to brighten up your evening!

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All of my characters come from a book I'm writing named "Razorwing's Ballad". I've had the two main characters (Scott and Red) for around 20ish years. They are my precious babs and I love them!

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I am an NB that wants to be In the one day. I draw cats, rock stars, and fanart I like.

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Progress on my boy tonight. Man I love my beautiful dork.

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