Chonky Red Cat Floof At the Keyboardさんのプロフィール画像

Chonky Red Cat Floof At the Keyboardさんのイラストまとめ

Podcaster at and master of all things feline, JRPG, and Power Metal. Non-binary/Trans-Masc. Nazis and TERFs fuck off.

フォロー数:117 フォロワー数:162

I can finally post this publicly because it was part of a commission I was working on. Behold... CHONKY-CHOCOBO.

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But I also didn't abandon my OTP either. :D

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I also participated in a weekly art challenge that really let me expand my skills and get experimental.

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Who wants headcannons about Scott, the world's nerdiest rock-star?

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I changed up my style quite a bit this year and I'm very happy with the results.

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Most kittens look cuddly when you wake them up. Nami looks like she's going to straight up murder you.

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4) A cat on a pumpkin 5) A guy singing 6) A girl having a beer.

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The finished Rathalos picture from last week. Scales were the death of me guys.

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I may or may not have been inspired by Treasure Planet for this one.

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