

Bestselling author-The Bernovem Chronicles & Norma Elliot's Secret Journal. linktr.ee/v_simcox #LCMS Please RT my pinned tweet.

フォロー数:11438 フォロワー数:14556

Victoria Simcox's Blog: Angelica, You Have Chosen Well: Part One of the An... https://t.co/O8Il2xWdix

1 3

Victoria Simcox's Blog: The Dark Wolf (The Heart of Light Trilogy Book 1) https://t.co/CeJ1U5w8kj

11 11

Victoria Simcox's Blog: The Last Thing I Remember (The Homelanders) https://t.co/3Cwhxs5huK

18 13

Victoria Simcox's Blog: 'Tis the Season (Norma Elliot's Secret Journal Boo... https://t.co/DTMb2d9yog

10 10

Victoria Simcox's Blog: The Dragon’s Egg Cover Reveal https://t.co/zXu9DBJ3uU

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