

Working adult | ID/EN OK | FUB Free | 腐人 | BL/Yuri/Het OK | Sometimes write fanfictions | Pro-fic & Pro-ship | Currently @ LB7主従 Hell (🪽🕶🔄)

フォロー数:757 フォロワー数:121

3. Nikinis: Her JP name (ナシリス, Nashirisu) is a wordplay of "Narcissus", the hunter from Greek myth who fell in love with his own reflection and left a flower bearing his name at the place where he died.--

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Yes, this viral screencap is from the last part of the event and it happened amidst the pouring rain. I've talked abt the birds/wings accessories on their clothes b4 & my friend have added that they symbolize the magpies from the myth.

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"Metamorphose no Engawa" ("BL Metamorphosis"), about an elderly woman named Yuki Ichinoi who got interested in BL and befriended Urara Sayama, a shy high school student who was a fujoshi. Licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

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Inget kan fan gijinka bendera Indonesia waktu itu? Boleh nih dibikin crossover sama hws Indo.

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Saat otep langka dapat asupan.

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Special shoutout to Wei Yenwu and these two fine gentlemen.
But especially to Wei Yenwu.

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Starting with the basics. The 1* & 2* operators.

Castle-3 (yes I list the robot, too), 12F, Rangers, Noir Corne.

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He has two moods (Tiff beats me w/ the one on the right + glasses off version)

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