

fan of MS Paint,
occasional doodler

フォロー数:547 フォロワー数:137

+ some details. It's fun seeing the 'texture' of everything.

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'Look Forward to Better.' Microsoft Paint.

Inspired in part by the cute plant earrings I just got. 💚

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'Risque.' Microsoft Paint.

A snippet of a photo study that was suggested by my husband! The full picture is a bit too off-brand for me to post comfortably here. 😅

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'Rest.' Microsoft Paint.

Got a little tired of only playing Minecraft while sick and drew this! Appropriately named since I've been sleeping a ton. 😅 Please wash your hands and wear your mask!

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Happy New Year! Here's a close-up of a I've been working on today. It seems so bizarre to think we've already crossed to another year. The past year felt so transient and intangible.

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I'll get back to making art! In the meantime, please enjoy this MS Paint doodle of a sick me. :')

My husband and I had to cancel travel plans due to me feeling under the weather, but at least we get to send off the year from the comfort of our home💙

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'Cosmic Thoughts.' MS Paint.

Updated an old one! I held a coughy baby cousin this Christmas and now have a sore throat, so I'm unfortunately not in a super creative mood, but tweaking old things is fun!

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'Looking Forward.' Microsoft Paint.

Tweaked the BG with Pixlr. A fun piece I struggled to figure out how to finish!

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I fibbed. This is the last WIP. Now to go to bed as I figure out what to do for the background!

I use Pixlr to toggle through colors and experiment a bit so that I can get an idea of how to better adjust colors (since I can't apply masks in MS Paint).

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