Renée Kurillaさんのプロフィール画像

Renée Kurillaさんのイラストまとめ

Mom to the cutest 7yo, Illustrator & Author of books for kids like IT’S FALL! 🍁 and #1 NYT Bestselling illustrator of JUST BECAUSE 🌳

フォロー数:2171 フォロワー数:7508

Another one that makes me feel cozy:

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I hope everyone has a happy holiday and new year!

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Gettin’ all the cozy feels on.

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My Orange Cat Halloween Shop is filled with a limited supply of Fall and Halloween prints! 🎃👻 I hope you like em!

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I finally started watching The Mysterious Benedict Society on last night. Because I can’t sit still and just… watch, I started drawing some of the actors! Already love this show.

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Yesterday was the first time I sat down for a long work session in a while…but my mind kept gravitating to Zoey. So I drew her.

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I feel really bad for my houseplants because they missed out on Take Your Houseplant For a Walk Day. Sorry, guys!☀️

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Zoey thought she might blow away in the storm the other day, and once again she inspired me to make some art. 💙💦🍃💨☂️ (She did not, in fact, blow away!)

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One more, and I promise that’s all the swimmy Timmys I have in me. 🤣

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