

-50 lbs of Hooah and Pencils - Amateur artist trying to get better at drawing and everything else - Commissions: Ø Slots Available

フォロー数:961 フォロワー数:16916

the kids aren’t alright

20 135

Post hiatus doodles tryna to get back into the grove- Leo’s and The Director

12 79

Engravings and ink- can’t ever just settle on a character design, always another “BUT WHAT IF,,,”

13 106

Nailing down Bruce’s character-

38 251

Like with her dad still trying to figure out Claudia’s look

72 424

Two 2020 doobles, one from 2019- Kristen’s hair has always been a bit of a struggle trying to figure out

12 128

Mind ur business Wilbur

158 555