Raptor Research Foundationさんのプロフィール画像

Raptor Research Foundationさんのイラストまとめ

An international scientific society whose primary goal is the accumulation and dissemination of scientific information about raptors.

フォロー数:208 フォロワー数:1107

The upcoming joint conference between RRF & the Neotropical Raptor Network scheduled for Oct. 2020 is now postponed to Oct. 2021. We appreciate your support in making this difficult decision for our community. Stay safe & we look forward to seeing you in Boise next year!

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Is the predefinitive plumage of golden eagles a signal of aggression or submission? Gjershaug et al. 2019 discuss in the latest issue of the JRR. Photo by Livar Ramvik https://t.co/ZdwLpK2Nyj

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