

Timeline is Malleable

|#RIP_Comicstorian| RP sometimes/
parody moved to
|Peter Parker : @peterparkerk962
|Barry Allen : @BarryAllen19560…

フォロー数:1208 フォロワー数:1177

This episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure feels like Silent Hill
And this woman is like Dhalia

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Quagmire didn't hate Brian in the previous seasons
And Brian wasn't an atheist
Chris was their real son and not adopted
Mayor West was bad
Meg weren't crazy
Even Stewie while becoming not evil he was still a tough boy

It seems like Family Guy has changed through the years

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Toxic relationships be like

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Metal Gear Rising Revengence

Monsoon is my favourite Boss and the second hardest aafter after Senator Armstrong

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Picking Cybil, Claire and Moira for a change
Also Natalia

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