

Lv31 • giving nothing but good vibes, random ramblings and the occasional edit whilst I fangirl over everything from Pokémon, HSR, manga and anime •

フォロー数:208 フォロワー数:185

No no no.. not good that Juzo knows of him too but Mary, oh no. My poor girl.

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We even got to see our favorite shining knight get some action this ep, even using what he learned from Benimaru and Konro too. He's wonderful.

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Hinawa was absolutely amazing this episode.. oh boy, definitely one of my favorites now.

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I love how the use of color went from vibrant one moment then subtle the next. Made this fight really enjoyable to watch for me.

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Good lord Iris! Girls, I think you got him! Oh boy, Látom indeed!

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We even got to see Tamaki in action again, aaah how great

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Oh Hinawa, always against the little fire spirits aren't you? They're only trying to help!

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Okay but casual Ryukyu though? Yes please

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