

A Grey Haired Gamer, lover of all things 8-bit & 16-bit, Twitch Streamer, Day Dreamer, expressing myself through Video Games.

フォロー数:1116 フォロワー数:2985

Kane is an interesting game, it's a bunch of mini games, Bow the Birds, Jump The Cactus, Shoot the Drunks, Race the Train

10 27

Really great game Battle Golfer Yuri on with translated patch, it's an early Golf RPG, you battle other Golfers while exploring an interesting world coming across random Golfers,well worth a look

4 10

This is a pretty hard game to play on the Micros, still it had the hook and pretty much everything the arcade had, not a bad conversion.

10 19

Wonderfully animated adventure, GFX are still nice and crisp, I don't think anyone has done Disney games better than the era, Castle of Illusion being the standout

8 18

Operation Wolf was an interesting one, first type of game I played like this, I never tried it with the Light Gun but had good fun none the less.

12 44

Another great Simulator on the F16 Combat Pilot, loads of weapons and missions in this one, not the most graphically impressive but it does run at a nice speed, great game.

11 55

Had fun playing this game, moving the little units around getting slaughtered while protecting your General, the units are pretty detailed and it runs fast, worth checking out if you like RTS

4 15

BMX Simulator was the first ever game I purchased, and I have been buying Codemasters games ever since, Codies games were priced amazingly at £1.99

15 47