

A Grey Haired Gamer, lover of all things 8-bit & 16-bit, Twitch Streamer, Day Dreamer, expressing myself through Video Games.

フォロー数:1116 フォロワー数:2985

The Way of The Exploding Fist was an instant classic, although I liked playing 2 player on my own, just so I could hit the other guy, great game.

5 28

If you want a great game like then look no further than Divine Divinity, absolutely great ARPG with a really good story, multiple classes, fantastic world created and memorable characters

5 15

I really liked Earnest Evans playing Indiana Jones on the it's not the greatest platformer but it was the first game I saw on CD and it blew me away with it's music and the extra graphical details over the

2 8

I still play this, it's one of those games that's so far ahead of it's time, a full mapped out city, a working traffic system with pedestrians, it just feels alive, amazing

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Good fun shooter, it's where "all your base are belong to us" comes from, Zero Wing.

3 19

What a great game, love Kikstart type games and this is a good one, ATV, good fun 2-player as long as you are both evenly matched

7 19

Some big sprites in this one, lots of bullets, a good arcade conversion of the run and gun platformer, looks amazing on all systems

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This game is great, you start the missions without your mech suit & work your way up to it, it has a jetpack and weapons, each mission u have to take down a bad guy who also has a suit.

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Movie games were very hit & miss, thankfully Hunt for Red October was a hit for me, all the important movie scenes are played out as action sequences in the game

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One of my favorite series of all time and that's the Strike series from this is Urban Strike, really nothing like these games

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