

A Grey Haired Gamer, lover of all things 8-bit & 16-bit, Twitch Streamer, Day Dreamer, expressing myself through Video Games.

フォロー数:1116 フォロワー数:2985

Really like the for Game Over wonder how many it sold just for that, game was good also, It had a sequel called Game Over II with had more great boxart

3 16

This game is a Chaos Engine tribute, but it's way more than that, it was also free with Amiga Format, really fast and has a great soundtrack

4 23

Future Wars was great, not the most remembered of the P&C on the you would travel time periods, future and past trying to solve an ancient mystery

1 14

This game is great, you start the missions without your mech suit & work your way up to it, it has a jetpack and weapons, each mission u have to take down a bad guy who also has a suit.

2 13

Giants Citizen Kabuto was a really good game, it mashed lots of genres with some slapstick British humour, it was 3rd person, 1st person, RTS, RPG, Base building, bit of everything and it worked

8 19

Really good series this on systems Cyberpunk world RPG, difference on the 2 consoles, had remakes made a few years ago on also really good games.

12 28

One of the best simulators on the Gunship 2000 unmatched GFX and speed for the time, excellent scenarios, early morning raids and night missions, an amiga essential

17 80

An early classic, that came with different game modes on either side of the tape, had digitized speech and was only £1.99, Jet Bike Simulator

4 14

Good conversion of Gauntlet, many hours played in 2-player mode on this game, instant classic.

7 37