

A Grey Haired Gamer, lover of all things 8-bit & 16-bit, Twitch Streamer, Day Dreamer, expressing myself through Video Games.

フォロー数:1116 フォロワー数:2985

Loved this game it was epic, was a Commandos clone but was better than Commando, Who Dares Wins II

10 32

Here's a game I played on the and its a game where I hadn't a clue what was going on or what to do. Captain Blood, it looked pretty though.

11 31

This game was amazing for the it was so ahead of its time, a 3D game which ran pretty fast, with different character's and loadouts to pick from.

13 50

Loved this game back in the day on the it's Shadowlands, 2D RPG where you control 4 characters on a fantasy adventure, it has an interesting Light mechanic which affects gameplay.

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Did you know made a game in 91, well it's a 3D open world adventure with driving, you could play as Resse or The Terminator.

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If you like then you will love from a solid FPS, you use a Time weapon to unravel the story and also bring objects from the past into the present.

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4 Covers from 1984

Caverns of Eriban - 1984
Willow Pattern - 1984
Buggy Blast - 1984
Cylu - 1984

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Loved this game S.D.I you are a member of a US space fighter unit, save the world by destroying missiles and satellites with your space jet, fun game.

2 13

Keeping the games coming on the next up is Rocket Ranger, one of their best cinematic games, bit hard to play but worth getting through

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