

A Grey Haired Gamer, lover of all things 8-bit & 16-bit, Twitch Streamer, Day Dreamer, expressing myself through Video Games.

フォロー数:1114 フォロワー数:2972

Future Wars was great, not the most remembered of the P&C on the you would travel time periods, future and past trying to solve an ancient mystery

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Movie games were very hit & miss, thankfully Hunt for Red October was a hit for me, all the important movie scenes are played out as action sequences in the game

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Test Drive games were great, you could drive the latest sports cars on long winding roads, not racing around circuits, was pretty different for the time.

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BMX Simulator was the first ever game I purchased, and I have been buying Codemasters games ever since, Codies games were priced amazingly at £1.99😀

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4 Covers from 1988

Super Dragon Slayer - 1988
Professional Ski Simulator - 1988
Jet Bike Simulator - 1988
Bigfoot - 1988

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I found this game really interesting, lots of scenes from the movie, mixed up with gameplay sections, although the fighting parts are terrible.

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4 Covers from 1987

Professional Snooker - 1987
Fruit Machine Simulator - 1987
Red Max - 1987
Transmuter - 1987

8 10

Maybe the best P&C on the awesome world and gfx, such a good story, always worth playing again, what a classic.

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This game on the original XBOX was amazing, The first person fighting, the exploration, and awesome story, how the game takes an awesome zombie turn, before zombies became the norm

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My favorite RPG on and that's I liked the combat system were the enemies would disappear after combat, I prefer that so much more than the random battles.

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