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Today is Lost in Memories last APK update, there could be some other content update but I am not sure.

there are newly added Units, like this Ram and Echidna, and also Elsa but she does not have a unit card as of now.

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Re:Zero Lost in Memories has announced End of Service for the gacha game, setting it down at May 12th this year.

Here are some units that are coming for an event, expect some more in the future before it stops.

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Three new Tarot cards have been revealed!
XII, The Hanged Man, Geuse and Fortuna!
XV, The Devil, Echidna!
and finally, XXI, The World, Pandora!!!

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Was organizing my datamined assets just to notice some superb looking assets that were present in the Chinese version of Infinity but weirdly absent from the Japanese release (from what I could see).

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Three NEW tarot cards revealed!
XIII, Death, Elsa Granhiert!
XI, Justice, Crusch Karsten!
and finally, V, The Hierophant, Garfiel Tinsel!!

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As leaked earlier, there is new content coming to JP Infinity, Christmas units and here are their artworks!

Glad to see a return to these high quality artwork from the game!
There's a lot more to come in the future as well

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Re:Zero infinity JP version is opening its server in some hours, and it has few addition over the Chinese release.

Predominantly animated Cards such as this Felt that I just rendered. There are many others with stunning art also animated.

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Extra images from "Inhuman Academy" and Re:Zero collaboration, The art from this game, albeit not much in quantity, is stunning in quality.

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Overlord Mass For The Dead mobile game had a collaboration with Re:Zero quite recently, good to see some season 2 character make it in the mix with these collaborations.

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Some Assets from the (3rd) Re:Zero collaboration with Crash Fever, this time in the form of Isekai Quartet.

I have missed the other 2 collabs, but finally managed to get their assets as well. These assets look fairly amazing, wish they were more HQ.

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