kie🎀 c❁mms on workさんのプロフィール画像

kie🎀 c❁mms on workさんのイラストまとめ

arcaenarcadia's secret garden ✩ one that lasts for eternity, until the end of time. (i) rani (ranilesbi) (MENTION AFTER DM PLEASE! THANK YOU!)

フォロー数:115 フォロワー数:176

menurutku Kayo bakal cocok pake astrological star constellation theme like this card, perhpas bcs murr influence ig /pos

and chiharu! pink-blue combination with lot of frill trus style nya kayak gini!

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kanonchang would fit this kind of aesthetic (left card) soalnya apa ya it's stripped long shirts feel so right mwah

but somehow w merasa dia cocok card ala2 chunni (?) WAGAHAI NO NA WA

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for the first one she's look like princess from small country for me... so i give her princess dress look alike! and the ribbon cute cute

the second one, this one more charismatic (that's my impression of her)

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i'm gonna talk about both, so both just radiance warm and cozy impression, either with fruits or flowers accessories she's still look cute with it

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for the first one karena keliatan LEBIH luxury, dan kayak himesama real, aura sexy nya makin terpancar /chef kiss/

and the second one, victoria style just feel soooo right, frilly dress and cute hat

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i just thought she would fit with this one! card yg kiri (maaf aku lupa nama theme nya tp ini ada referensi budaya mana gtulo:")

card yang kanan, the flower embroidery and laces ribbon look cute on her trus kombinasi krem sama biru gelap kren..

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belom terlalu kenal tapi menurutku would fit with kitsune-autumn style it's has mellow aura but also soothing!

on other side, rock-ish outfit with crop top and sleeveless outer and flashy boots would look stunning<3

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imo nagichang cakep pake baju yang kesannya like midnight sky (?) kayak ada aura misteri gtu :3

but on other side lucu juga klo pake baju flashy tapi kesannya tetap cheerful!

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nagi ini dan nagi itu kena konten ga beda jauh anjirr

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quotes supir truk kita no sanbaka

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