

🧡 Digital Artist

New account!!!!

フォロー数:150 フォロワー数:40

Another commission for :3 And again I enjoyed a lot working on this draw :3 I hope you like it :0

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Well, I decided to practice some backgrounds :0 This is the draw i was talking yesterday hahaha Let me know what you think :D

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Well, a wolf headshot. I've been practicing a lot of things, but i haven't applied any of them here hahahaha

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A shy wolf. As you know, i have been practicing some face expressions in the past. I think that in today's post it shows :3 I really enjoyed the progress i had :3 What do you think? :0

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This is another commission, this time for :0 I really liked to draw it, specialy the flower and the bandanna :3

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This is a commission i just finished for :3 I really liked to draw it :D And i think that its one of my first times drawing glasses :0

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Well, I finally bought a new tablet and i'm super happy with it, this time i decided to go one step further and it's a drawing monitor. This is my first draw with it, and idk but i think that i draw better now hahahaha :3

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Well, a dog with arm warmers and a fluffy chest :3

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Again, practicing with more elaborated backgrounds and some clothes details :3

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Well, this is a gift for a friend from Discord. A dragon with green eyes. I really like to draw dragons and such :3

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