

Gintama |Kotaro | Mushishi | Aria |Natsume |Persona 3
|Yotsuba|Sangatsu| Fata|Rakugo 25 love to watch anime and movies and like live tweeting alt @ri22rk2

フォロー数:2173 フォロワー数:4452

Why do they always do it with my boy Madao like that? 😭

# Gintama

69 394

Thank you so much for 2300 followers! These are my top 4 cast in animanga :)

8 184

I'm laughing so much this episode is so funny 😭😭

67 363

This took a turn too quickly 😭

35 211

Gintama explaining how filler works made me laugh so much I love this show so much man 😭

101 505

I love Abuto, this was a wonderful scene!

# Gintama

27 233

Kamui is so cool! The fights of this arc has been really good 🔥

61 368

I love Gintoki so much 😭

176 892

I love how they made a whole arc full of referencing Jojo 💀

68 470

