here's crystal, the 6th of my fcs! she's a quiet, laidback introvert and a huge story lover that would rather spend more time with her books over other people
here's lucky, the 4th of my fcs and the last of my main 4! he is my carefree, thieving deer boy (who can also fly!!!!) 🦌i've changed his colors a bit so that his color scheme isn't too similar to another character of mines
here is the third of my fcs, star the dog! she's a mysterious and powerful princess who seems a bit somber, but no one really knows what's eating at her.
here is the second of my fcs, kai the wolf! i've updated his design a bit (changed his clothing and eye color) and am satisfied with the result. he is my cocky, bold, fighter boy
@PidgeonsPen sooo i noticed today is your birthday and i've ALWAYS really adored carey so i decided to draw the doggo!! i hope you like it and that it makes your day a little brighter 💕