bee! (COMMS OPEN) | inactive mostlyさんのプロフィール画像

bee! (COMMS OPEN) | inactive mostlyさんのイラストまとめ

hi im bee ricecaqes (it/they) i dont rlly use this site anymore . im on tumblr with the same @

フォロー数:297 フォロワー数:438

he almost forgot there was a 6 year old in the room

0 1

these guys (pointing at each other) aka sonic in a skirt and blue shoe tails

1 13

i guess on a similar note here are some draws ive done in celebration!!! so happy 4 years n heres to many more! i am going to play celeste now

6 15

idk what the hell this composition is but i just kinda remembered that fleetway issue where he went to the grocery store

7 29

i ended up liking some of em too!!!!!

2 8

major deltarune / snowgrave spoilers
snowgrave whos she.... i have never met her

4 12

cw eyestrain
i gave up Anyways insert gaslight gatekeep girlboss joke here

13 27