

🌟 Balmung | WHM/DNC Main - Roleplayer 🌟
🌱 Characters: Mihli Mihgo, Siyoh Mari, Blink Vaniro (& more!)
riftdancing.tumblr.com - More active here!

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I'm having a lot of fun making reaction icons for Nae. It makes me want to do them for Siyoh too. :)

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doodled the cutest request for me tonight during her Patreon stream! 😍💕🐯 She will forever be one of my favorite artists!

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Ehehehehe EHEHEHEHEHE, is the BEST and is responsible for my AMAZING new BohoBobcat Mercy icon. Sending her ALL the love. ♥

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's chibis give me LIFE. Look at what she did with Siyoh and Opo. SO INCREDIBLY PRECIOUS. Go commission this sweet lady! ♥

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