ares is a shatterfly, much like dream, with the ability to shift from a more fairy form to a more human form. he used to be an astrologer back when the vault was active on athena, but now he’s just trying to keep track of where the last reality is going or could go
juno is one of the herald’s guardian chrome wolves ( kinda like a werewolf / shapeshifter ) and she’ll do anything to protect her. sometimes she can be pretty careless, but she’s extremely loyal to her cause
imane is my cube queen and probably obviously my fav to draw. she’s the mother of the luna siblings and she’s hotheaded and tough, but also extremely emotional. she has a sister named eloha and they don’t get along that much, but they tolerate one another
kevin and estelle are two out of three luna siblings ( roxy being the third that i have yet to draw ). all three of them got to choose their own paths in life ( since their mother is quite literally a queen ) and kevin chose the god life whereas estelle chose to be a savior