

🇵🇭🇨🇳 || your local trigger stan and kujo tenn fan
|| アイナナ、まほやく、A3!、ヒプマイ、あんスタ✨ || eighty-six || ssmy, hrkg ||
→ I block freely

フォロー数:521 フォロワー数:202

I didn't forget about this guys I was just really busy lately...anyways thank u for entrusting ur pfps to me

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shoutout to vbs kaito cuz damn

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i just realized my media tab is about to be clogged but oh well

enstars (can u tell that i. i like valkyrie)
id put the oddballs but they're uh...5

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i don't think i ever tweeted about this but oh, my god them. i will combust

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this is a shinlena appreciation tweet

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and i will gladly do so, she's gorgeous

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beep boop (that's a lot of ena)

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