

eng ○ 中文 ○ 日本語 □ | 20+

フォロー数:135 フォロワー数:3173

original version of jamjam VS finalised version ,,,,

41 92

6. "when someone praises you and you hear it" face

8 24

5. "eeeee,,,,,,,,,,,, why?" face

10 20

3. "im waiting for my turn that's coming next" face

11 26

very neat how kn sang the line "kuzushitakunai kara kowashite (i don't want to disturb the order of things and so i'll destroy it)" and kzh sang "kanaetai kara fumidashitette (i want it to come true so i took a step forward)" and it has BOTH their names inside

245 440

nrse: im so cute right?

arsk: u are

drm: ... i'd like to forget nrse for once


drm: i want to have 0 memories of u

nrse: this is me though.

arsk: it's bc we know u that it's confusing ww

nrse: this is ME. with this voice

drm: gross

nrse: WHY

14 39

arsk: my right hand is out this time my katana is up i'm saying if you don't buy me you'll be done in wwww

2 21

(showing his piercings)

8 48

zoom outs and zoom ins

10 40