Riki ❆ fanart and fic 🔞さんのプロフィール画像

Riki ❆ fanart and fic 🔞さんのイラストまとめ

Riki. 30. Queer. Jewish. Antizionist | 100% Victuuri | AO3: archiveofourown.org/users/Riki NSFW: @RikichieYoi CC: curiouscat.live/rikichie_ And: @viktoroftheday

フォロー数:1425 フォロワー数:2127

Posting early to make myself smile.

Imagine Yuuri very carefully kissing different spots on Viktor's face one after the other.

27 75

Since my theme this month is "summer of mutual pining" I'm spending a lot of time thinking about it. I love the thoughts of them having fun at the beach or going to some festival. But mostly... Falling in love while training and skating.


39 111

Squish your husband often, it's how you keep him happy.
I'll keep drawing cheek kisses forever.

72 282

I can finally post this old thing:

Sweet, warm, gentle ♥

73 194

Silly and all but I still love this one ❤️

94 229

When Yuuri finds out he has the power to make Viktor blush, he doesn't stop doing it. ♥
I like thinking that over here, Yuuri said something to get this blush before he kissed Viktor's nose. I just have no idea what he said.

61 155

Happy birthday, !!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Thank you so much for being lovely and sweet. You're a gift to this world and to me personally.
It's a redraw of an old art but I wanted to celebrate you.

29 77

Made a few small corrections just for the fun of it and now I finally like this picture.

33 101

First commission: ! I'm always in the mood to draw Viktuuri in love.

95 214