

RingToys belongs to the YUZUO culture development company. Our scope is action figure, garage kit and so on.
Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:6 フォロワー数:511


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【真・三國無双8 X Ringtoys】趙雲1/6コレクション可動フィギュア最新情報!

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Sharing the weapons design pictures with you!
We refer to the original paintings and materials and restore the following weapons.

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Yu Zuo culture the first original garage kit--Water lily girl is expected to release in February 2019
Original design (P1):
Original painting (P2): @言叶kotoha

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In order to achieve better results, our designers have continuously improved the Padro’s seat.
The first picture is the original version, the second and the third pictures are the second version. And the fourth picture is lastest version.

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Our orginal 2020 series-1/6 scale action figure "Hierophant" Padro's accessories design picture!
Jack the Ripper is still on sale,
More detail: https://t.co/xUaxZxw2oz
Any question, our email: sales.cn

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Dear friend, Little Red Riding Hood will soon be released in the form of Garage Kits! Sharing pictures of the Little Red Riding Hood! She is the leading role of Cluture original story "Untouchables Game ".
Any questions,please Email: sales.cn

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Dear friend, share detail picture of the original 1/6 action figure- for you. They are the character design and accessories design picture.
Jack is also the leading role of original story "Misty Midnight."
Please look forward!

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Dear,share K collectible figure pictures with your guys.
His fullset(Deluxe edition) is 190usd.He will be sold out in the end of 5th/Mar/2018.

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Preview:#Ringtoys first original 30cm action figure-#K priest will be released.In(2020),the dark-faced priest, in a harsh zombie herd, insisted on preaching,eventually took up arms and killed.What is his story?We will share his story in release day.Share his picture with u

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