

She/They :: Multi-medium / Design Artist :: 근본없는 2차계정 :: 서양 애니/영화/드라마 위주 + PKMN :: KOR/ENG :: Do NOT repost my artwork ::

フォロー数:413 フォロワー数:4009

똘똘한 애기 카르멘이랑 코치ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ. 머리색 조합이 크리수마스 색이네ㅠㅠㅠ❤️💚

6 25

In need of some quality cleobellum content, sooooo

11 31

I don wanna burden her with the responsibility of being a reliable big sis, BUT

16 50

Just mah own headcanon of original faculty members back in the days ;;w;;

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