

Garen Main / Duelist | linktr.ee/risteband | Twitch Partner | @ADVANCEDgg @gg_supernova | Business Inquiries - [email protected]

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24 221

We got a DOUBLE Giveaway for either Spirit Blossom Yorick or Bewitching Anivia! No matter what you pick, you'll get the skin, the exclusive chroma, and the champion. To enter -

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Giveaway ends on the 18th!

394 401

Forget Bitcoin Invest in this item -

1 44

I'm happy to announce that I've partnered with Riot to be an affiliate for the latest skins of League of Legends. If you chose to purchase Star Guardian skins through my link, you also get to financially support me. Visit my link here -

1 28

Do not overlook Spirit Visage this season on Garen, ESPECIALLY when taking Conqueror. The bugfix was a massage buff to the item and amps his regen, Triumph/Conqueror Heal PLUS W shield and GA/Steraks. GW isn't often built vs Garen either so on heal light teamcomps it's freelo.

1 44

You know what time it is-

0 23

It's Mobin Time.

3 41

They may have buffed every champion's durability in the game but they didn't buff Inhibitors or Towers. Let the Split Push Supremacy continue. :)

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Today is Critical Strike Garen Day

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