


フォロー数:281 フォロワー数:597

APOLLOS DESIGN OHHH i used to pray for times like this

57 303

actually this is a very smart plot, ric was always there as someone without memory who felt free to explore his sexuality and accept that he likes men, on another hand regular dick is deeply closeted and scared of accepting his sexuality, in a moment where his relationship with-

24 340

release the leo cut!

3 36

favorite edits that i made

11 74

they look good!

65 405

tom taylor hates monkeys confirmed

13 178

im building a compilation

4 26

always remember that joey wilson was pretty much dick graysons gay awakening

12 126

no matter the universe donna remains super pretty and thats all that matters 🤭

16 98

they are cute oe whatever... im not bitter no...

14 183