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I drew Aoife because I love her.

1 15

Wanted to try something with soft shading. Haven’t done it in a while, gotta practice more.
Based on a photo I found on pinterest.

7 155

Inktober Day 9: When I'm With Him- Perfume Genius (Empress Of cover)

I keep forgetting to post these here!

1 22

Inktober Day 1: iMi- Bon Iver

This year I’m doing the same thing as last time: taking 31 of my favourite songs of the year and using them as inspiration.

48 394

Today ' Bitte Orca turns 10!
One of my favourite albums of all time, it reinvented music in a way that felt so impossible, magical, sweet, scary, and 10 years later it still sounds fresh.

3 85

Old pals and Ridin' Down Rodeo.
Illustrated by me and animated by my friend Sitji!

8 99

Did some illustrations for Virgin Atlantic’s magazine Vera inspired by the new Mary Poppins movie.

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This week, my girlfriend’s 3 y/o nephew pulled a boiling pot of soup off the stove and onto his chest, burning his face, neck, torso and his arms.
I’m opening some commission spots to raise money so his parents can be by his side while he heals.


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