

ren. see → @perteparadis

フォロー数:69 フォロワー数:47

( nizikano )
【Invite ID】743897575719

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THANKS ... i was actually lamenting the other day about not having this outfit yet hh. Might try to get it when the percentage go up...hm

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萌えるね……🙏 もちろんピラダク見せてあげるよ…ぜひ喜んで💞

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あぁ やっと描いた…
互いに感染させてそうだと思うから :;(∩´///`∩);: 2種が描きました……🍄 楽しぃ

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I forgot this too

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Hell yea i wanna be yeeted out to the sun by a bird via bone shattering jet propulsion

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( nizikano )

The look i get before i get eradicated

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( nizikano ) rec
【Invite ID】743897575719

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