

Geno supporter for Smash that was right to be in complete denial… BUT WE GOT THAT FAITHFUL REMAKE BAYBEEE

フォロー数:30 フォロワー数:205

Is our time coming, Genobros?

18 222

>Travis Costume

9 Eternally BTFO. I told ya'll they were a fraud.

4 33

Shoutouts to Nemo_Namikaze on the Smashboards for this masterpiece. Use it how you like for tomorrow, Genobros.


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So, I called someone out the other day when they claimed they heard a SMRPG sequel/remake is in the works. Apparently few people on Smashboards confirming it's true.

I'm still highly doubtful as I hadn't heard it anywhere else. I guess we'll see.

5 31

Just a reminder, that Nintendo has fucked up in the past with leaks, like that time Bloody Tears was published on their official Smash youtune channel days before Simon was announced. The Gamestop thing could genuinely be a fuck up... Or it may not.

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The holy trinity of Never Evers must be filled for the prophecy of the "perfect smash roster" to be complete, and to forever BTFO rulenerds. We're only one away. Almost there, Genogang.

19 56

"Yeah, so what if a potential Assist Trophy or Spirit gets in Smash Ultimate, that doesn't mean your puppet has any cha-"

15 70

I have a feeling this week is Direct week. Really hoping this COVID-19 doesn't impact the Direct as I'm sure Nintendo is really excited to show what they've got as we are to see them. Overall, wishing good health to Nintendo and all of us fans. We'll get through it, Genogang.

5 25

Daily reminder that Geno is STILL not a mii costume. Also daily reminder that Nintendo has edited spirits after release multiple time now.

Yup, i'm thinking he's in, Genogang. Don't worry about detractors, gang. Our boi is coming to Smash Ultimate as playable fighter soon.

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