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El maxilar humano de la cueva Misliya, datado en 177-194 ka. Representante de un grupo de Homo sapiens que salió de África mucho antes que los fósiles que conocíamos de Skhül y Qafzeh (90-120 ka). Fuente: Hershkovitz I. (2018) The earliest modern humans outside Africa.
A quite complete pelvis from 0.9–1.4 mya: BSN49/P27 from Gona, Ethiopia, attributed to Homo erectus/ergaster. A nice exception in the poor post cranial fossil record of Early Pleistocene Homo... Source: Simpson S.W. (2015) https://t.co/kQCo7DYJDU
Endocranial shape Neandertals v. Modern Humans: A=Nea, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, elongated. B=MH, globular. Arrows=enlarged posterior cranial fossa (housing the cerebellum) & bulging of parietal bones in MHs compared to Nea. Source: Gunz et al (2019) https://t.co/TrdnMd91he
"Homo sapiens appears to have originated from the coalescence of South and, possibly, East-African source populations, while North-African fossils may represent a population which introgressed into Neandertals during the Late Middle Pleistocene" https://t.co/8Lms0QFVMp
The top seven human evolution discoveries from Tanzania (always nice to remember the classics!) https://t.co/pw2a5LYbWy vía @SmithsonianMag
¡Presentado el primer cráneo casi completo (y primera cara) de Australopithecus anamensis! Encontrado en 2016 en Woranso-Mille, Etiopía. De ~3,8 Ma. ¿Coexistieron Au anamensis y su sucesora Au afarensis durante ~100.000 años? Haile-Selassie et al (2019) https://t.co/2zmqKsypND
#FossilFriday The 5 Dmanisi skulls (CT-based visualization): D2700/D2735 adolescent; D2282/D211 young adult virtual reconstruction; D2280 adult; D4500/D2600 adult; D3444/D3900 old edentulous adult. Source: Lordkipanidze et al 2013 DOI: 10.1126/science.1238484
On the skull and endocast KNM-ER 42700 from Ileret, Kenya, with a chronology of 1.5 million years. This is a tiny skull of c. 691cc, the smallest for any Homo ergaster. https://t.co/CckilnSo1m By Emiliano Bruner