Robin Bakerさんのプロフィール画像

Robin Bakerさんのイラストまとめ

Film. TV. Archaeology. Pottery. Photography. Short stories. Design. India. London. 🌻

フォロー数:1520 フォロワー数:6935

Decades before Kate Winslet went 'flying' in TITANIC, cinema's most famous prow shot was of Greta Garbo in QUEEN CHRISTINA (1933). Delighted to find this photo of the scene being shot in collection. Film showing on Fri

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Marking Satyajit Ray's centenary last year has published a wide range of his writing - most also seem to be available online in the UK. A complete Satyajit Ray retrospective is now showing Southbank

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Eleanor Parker - Baroness Elsa Schraeder in THE SOUND OF MUSIC - was born 100 years ago. A year after terrorising assorted von Trapps, she starred in AN AMERICAN DREAM (Robert Gist, 1966) - it's like The Baroness: What Happened Next? Stills preserved by

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I could weep when I look at the damage inflicted on some of the images that preserves (often when being prepared for reproduction) - BEFORE they arrived at of course. However, I'm starting to think that they might have the makings of an exhibition...

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Cover of promotional booklet (preserved by ) for Borderline (Kenneth Macpherson, 1930) starring Paul Robeson, Eslanda Robeson, Bryher (Annie Winifred Ellerman) and HD (Hilda Doolittle). Lovers Bryher and HD, together with Macpherson, launched the film magazine Close Up.

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Job alert! We're looking for a paper conservator to help conserve and preserve National Archive and Library's collection of works on paper and photographs. You will work with many beautiful and extraordinary things!

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Powell and Pressburger's A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH (1946) is back on the big screen Southbank in Sept & Oct Costume designs by Hein Heckroth - preserved by National Archive - for David Niven, Marius Goring, Roger Livesey and Abraham Sofaer

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Indian silent film star Seeta Devi appeared in 3 films made by Himansu Rai and Franz Osten: Light of Asia (1925); Shiraz: A Romance of India (1928), seen here, and A Throw of Dice (1929). restoration of Shiraz streams for FREE on YouTube until 8 June

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"This is the night mail crossing the border,
Bringing the cheque and the postal order..."
Pleased to see that the most-watched film on this weekend is the classic documentary NIGHT MAIL (1936). Film and stills preserved by National Archive

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Persona (Ingmar Bergman, 1966) starring Moomintroll as Liv Ullmann (Elisabet) and Teddy as Bibi Andersson (Alma)

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