

Animator, game artist, and player/artist for @dungeon_damsels

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Your character is so lovely!! ❤❤❤ I also have eladrin druid. Her name is Elendriel Bersk, she is primarily in her Spring form but changes depending on her mood. I play her in our game.

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Here are some fun DnD characters I drew for our underwater horror game!! Finn, our helpful NPC Sea Elf smart boy and my PC Valaryn, a Merfolk cleric.

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My favorite dnd class is the druid. Currently what I'm playing in game.

Bonus round. I've also been playing in a TTRPG called Stonetop. There I'm playing as the Martial. They are basically head of the towns militia and have a crew of 6 loyal soldiers.

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Mine is a Warforged Druid named TinderTwig.

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aww man.... I want a refund lol

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Warforged druid. Such a fun character, started out as joke so I can play as a transformer.

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Here is some art, most of them inspired by the game I play in.
Love to see so much art from the ^o^

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Mine was TinderTwig, the warforged druid. Unfortunately it peter out before a conclusion, but my old buddies took our PCs and made their own campaign. Tindertwig took his staff (a gift from his god) and planted it. It soon became a world tree and he tends to it still.

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25, 5th edition, My first character was a Warforged Druid named TinderTwig. Basically started out as a joke to play a Transformer in DnD but turned into one of my favorite characters I got to play.

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Painted a monster I threw in my home game. Can you guess what it is?

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