

SW Dev, mid-level romhacker. Retrogamer(15KHz on CRT). Moe feeds my soul (love dark hair hime cuts). Mio Akiyama, Kuroneko, Umi Sonoda and Yoshiko Tsushima STAN

フォロー数:245 フォロワー数:306

Here's a hotter Kuroneko. Enjoy! No wonder she was the 2013 International Saimoe Queen (a Japanese beauty, slim, small, pale and DFC)

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And she's so fragile despite being so baddass. And when being baddass she looks even cuter! (I wanna be Shizuo)

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Thanky! I'd follow dat cute demon to the very Hell. Here's a pic in exchange

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It says it's temporary. But IDK if they're waiting to achieve a stronger moderation on the OT threads. I hope K-ON GAF is back...

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Sorry, I didn't realize I was already following you! Hugs!

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Pls post another Kuroneko pic and I'll follow you!

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