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@Misaki4u22_ @IoriMinaseP @ItMeNazo I don't care if they're black, white, Asian, Caucasian, Latinas, Middle East (etc) Girls as long as they're cute and have interest in animu, specially slice of life ones. I even don't mind'em being taller (I actually like it) but that'd the only reachable ♀️(I'm SW dev)
@Teachuchu @CusDB10 Forgot to say I'm ♌, but until I got got my degree I was VERY SHY. Now I've learned 2 make good relationships with workmates, but still as an ANIMU/Manga covert Otaku I feel uncomfy when between normies (1 of'em asked me:"who is that girl on your phone? Girlfriend?(Kuroneko BG)
@Teachuchu @CusDB10 Well, it seems that all fire zodiac signs are the least gay. I'm straight...but I respect diversity. Good luck/wealth/health and respect and equal rights for all LGBT people! Peace! 🤗☮️♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓...and ⛎(Offiucus)
@Xevlii I'd change the third clause to "headpat and hug the Neko" (and maybe add another one: F**k the Neko! (Runs away....)
@BubbelKaze @CaptMalone Uber sexy, great booty and oppai, but I feel like her hips are twisted the other way, like, her shiri is pointing the same way as her oppai. 😳(Although I find it hotter since I can SEE and grope both). Thanky!
@sisousuika @yagisanyagiyagi ミクちゃんはめっちゃ美しくて可愛いで!画像を本当にありがとう!ここ(チリ、南米)は夏で午後6時55分頃です。それも、午後9時頃夕日が沈む。ヴィニャデルマルに住んでいるし、この都市が臨海都市で太平洋は西にあります。水着のミクを下さい! @KingMetalZel @Link_Man_1 @RiotingSpectre @you45624
@itanimeirl @Yunarukami19 @youyoshi0422 @Shiny_Yohane @YoitsYohane @CusDB10 @sportsciotaku @haduki456 @Deadnooodles @Rito2Ru @tipiidesu @Xevlii Nice and cute Yoshiko! Thanks a lot! 可愛くて、いい喜子ですよ!本当にありがとうございました。😊
@Deadnooodles @youyoshi0422 @tipiidesu @haduki456 @Shiny_Yohane @LL_UMI214 #CopaAmerica2019 コパアメリカの日本の最初サッカー試合は:日本対チリ!(6月18日午前8時[JST])日本人はどう思いますか.チリは強い相手と思いますか.私はチリ人でも日本チームは強くなったと思う(去年🇩🇪対🇯🇵:日本が勝った)
@haduki456 @youyi @Deadnooodles @tipiidesu @LL_UMI214 こんばんは、皆さん。今、チリに午前6時50分頃で夏だ。出身から(ヴィニャデルマル,臨海都市)サンチアゴへ(首都、内陸都市)バスで行く。両方の都市の距離は130キロメートルぐらい。今日は週の最後平日だし耐えられないといけない!皆良い週末を!
@LuahineFreda @iammoshow I love more cats than dogs, but specially the Bombay Cats which are so lovely and "coddled", they are cute black angels with golden eyes that like to lay on your lap. I also like a lot Siamese cats with their black leg tips, nose area and ears and their pure blue eyes. Lovable 2!