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@JackDelafield @YoitsYohane Very cute (but sad in the pic) Yoshiko! Sry Jack, but I had to steal it, she's 2 valuable since she's a goddess of moe and chuuni. Greets from Chile! (It's summer here and Ultra Violet radiation is extreme: between 12 and 13. Currently it's 11:21AM here in Santiago @Shiny_Yohane
@CusDB10 @sportsciotaku @Rito2Ru @Shiny_Yohane @YoitsYohane @Yunarukami19 @Weilacca_ @Megami05 @Chariotter @GrandHusk @KingMetalZel @Jeffrey_Jue Soon the sky will become somewhat like this godly Yoshiko pic. (Currently about 20:30, Summer). Heading 2 the coast to my home. Huggus!
@MioAkiyamaLove_ @The_Tits_of_Mio @akiyamafanclub @JordyIsAnimeFan @hemi392_mioluv @Miokomoonchild @MioAkiyama64 @dateyan_mio @miofender @quotevg @NSc0re @Megami05 @LagiaChan @KingMetalZel Sorry, I miscalculated. It's about 20 hrs left in Chile until Mio's birthday ends (間違えた、まだ、チリに
@MioAkiyamaLove_ @The_Tits_of_Mio Yeah, it's about 11h left here
皆んな澪ちゃんが大好き!お誕生日おめでとう!We all❤️Mio. Happy Birthday! @akiyamafanclub @JordyIsAnimeFan @hemi392_mioluv @JordyIsAnimeFan @Miokomoonchild @MioAkiyama64
@dateyan_mio @miofender @quotevg @NSc0re @Megami05 @LagiaChan @KingMetalZel
@W_A_R_0 @MegaMan @Garrulous64YT Can't wait for it's release, but better take your time #Capcom it's better to test everything and release sth that rockman fans like and can remember than rush everything. いいゲームをを出来るようにゆっくり働いて下さい!ロックマンが大好き!どれも、ロックマンV GBリメークが欲しい。😉
@chris_metroid Yeah, I'm a little worried, I hope she's ok. Talked little with her but she's a good person. I wish the best for her...
@kagura_mirai どういたしまして!良い一日を!私はチリに住んでいるしチリ人です(チリは南米にあります。)ここは午後8時30分ごろで夏です。あなたは英語が上手だと思います!私は3回日本へ行ったことがあります(2014年8-9月と2015年8月から10月までと去年10月の前篇)、私は日本語が下手です。気をつけてね!
@MefrouEvermoed @suspendedbaka @itanimeirl She's fine as she is. Flat is justice. DFC FTW! @archwizardoMegu @ExplosiveLoli @Megumugin @VirtualMegumin @spyhunterzero @Jeffrey_Jue @KingMetalZel @GrandHusk
@PrincessKooh @yuurie_maple @Jeffrey_Jue @JCTXS @ReiMurasaki @PyroMaker3 @Reverse_Ichigo @ZettaiAhoge IIRC, I bought her from Ami Ami....(I can't. sleep yet though and it's about 4:55AM) 😫
@yuurie_maple @Jeffrey_Jue @JCTXS @ReiMurasaki @PyroMaker3 @Reverse_Ichigo @ZettaiAhoge Yeah, she's at 1/4 scale. Thankfully she was lying on her knees so it didn't use so much space. Oof, it's 4:30 AM here in Chile and I woke up a little while ago. I'm gonna try sleep again. Cya! (I feel touched by one of my Waifus memes)