apparently a victim now (no one was)さんのプロフィール画像

apparently a victim now (no one was)さんのイラストまとめ

keep your friends in check, stupid ass |
account unactive date: 5/10/24 7:22 pm due to idiots making false claims that could've ruined my life (flurry & Ozzy)

フォロー数:1049 フォロワー数:36

poe sketch
i've been dying so its nice to finally draw

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Teruko Okura!
i still like how this came out ngl
im not used to drawing her so I'm surprised the line art successes

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i forgot to put this here this morning, im at school right now so i cant continue this

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Yoo thanks bluesdank!
Im just a minor artist who unfortunately cant take money but da points work!

Ive been drawing since 3rd or 4th grade
Its a big honor coming from you, thank you so much

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okay i geniunely can not replicate the top jelly for some reason, the pervious versions were terrible

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