

funny guy who likes to draw sometimes | animator in training | orbit | 100 days 1 hue challenge progress (100/100) COMPLETE!!!

フォロー数:702 フォロワー数:676

So uhhhhhh hi

I wanted to be included in the stuff

Probably more to come but I’m going to work soon

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Here’s a version for twitter hehe

Again happy 2 mil Gibi

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Some of y’all have probably been waiting for this, and I couldn’t leave ya hanging. So I took 7 minutes off my work to crank out these bad boys (that’s why the lines aren’t clean YwY).

2 28

I thought of this at 1:00 AM. I have no idea if this is funny or has any comedic resemblance at all. BUT TOO BAD HAHAHA IM GOING TO BED GNIGHTGNGJFEKDLSKJNSJNLDK

1 26

I CANNOT be the only one who does this 😂

0 37

I m

I cakmt fulyy see the keyboard bcc i need to wa keup in 4nand half houhur i a, sontied. Gibig I’m so ry i can’t beinstream rihnow but i hpoe youal haveee a gnuod nih. I jussst drewlthis in 56 secodns so hereša ya go hhaaaahahaf. I can’t ullły eponymous m eys so is north ign

0 21

I’ve been meaning to make some fan art like this for a while, and I’ve got to say I think this came out pretty alright!

Here’s and gunner for ya ‘U’

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