

Dusty drawer

フォロー数:73 フォロワー数:12

29 - Basilio
He looks exactly like Nick Fury. He's pretty badass and I like him for that. I wouldn't be sure whether he's written well if it weren't for Flavia. He's super hotheaded and annoying, as he acts before he thinks. Flavia manages to control this fact and it's done well.

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28 - Tiki
It's a nice idea to bring back someone from the Marth era, but geez, did she really have to have the biggest cleavage in the game and exposed thighs? They went overboard with the fanservice on her.
At least she got some nice supports, especially with Anna of all people.

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27 - Say'ri
Why doesn't she have any supports except for Robin?? Even with her brother??
How am I supposed to feel attached to her or know her if all she exists for is plot reasons?

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25 - Cherche
Most of her personality is just wyverns. It gets a bit repetitive, but since it keeps building on it, rather on repeating what you already know, that doesn't mean she's bad. There's not much about her to know, so I don't have much to discuss here.
Over halfway there!

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24 - Olivia
She has a pretty good personality, but her design completely misses its point. Look at her, she's supposed to be a shy dancer. Why would she wear clothes that expose most of her body and which are super tight and hard to move in?
I think it's because of Basilio.

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23 - Anna
There's not much to say about her here. I like her supports. She's the series' mascot, so of course she had to be included in the way she was. I think it was done well. I still don't believe her she has an infinite supply of sisters that have the same look and name.

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22 - Tharja
Fanservice character. Puts on a facade of being apathetic to everyone, because she needs to "keep an image". Is a literal yandere, and goes so far as to curse Robin in their S-support. Creepy. And once again, fanservice.
Needless to say, I'm not a fan.

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20 - Nowi
I'm not usually the type to pay much attention to stuff like this, but her design... No, just no. They gave her the most revealing outfit in the game (even more revealing wearing nothing but chest armor!) and the "She may look like a kid but she's a 1000yo adult" thing.

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19 - Gregor
YES! One of my favourite characters. Nearly all his supports are great, they tackle a whole variety of topics and he has this entire silly engrish thign going on. I love it.

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16 - Panne
Definitely one of my favourite characters, both design-wise and personality-wise. It's actually developed way further than "Piss off, man-spawn", although the support system did her very dirty, making her hate everyone over and over. Still, I have my own headcanon.

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