Roland Elliott Brownさんのプロフィール画像

Roland Elliott Brownさんのイラストまとめ

Wrote Godless Utopia @FuelPublishing. Articles @ForeignPolicy @guardian @spectator @TheCriticMag @newlinesmag /others.

フォロー数:1721 フォロワー数:982

Godless Utopia: Soviet Anti-Religious Propaganda is the first book in English to use illustrations to tell the story of Soviet anti-religious campaigns from 1917 to glasnost:

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MONDAY IN LONDON! On 13 January I will discuss Soviet anti-religious cartoons with cartoonist
in connection Godless Utopia BOOK:

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NEXT WEEK! On 13 January I will discuss Soviet anti-religious cartoons with cartoonist
in connection Godless Utopia . TICKETS: THE BOOK:

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EVENT! On 13 January I will discuss Soviet anti-religious cartoons with cartoonist
in connection Godless Utopia, my collaboration with
. Be there, dear souls: More on the book here:

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EVENT! On 13 January I will discuss Soviet anti-religious cartoons with in connection Godless Utopia, my collaboration with . Hope to see you there!

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13 JANUARY 2020! LONDON! SOVIET ATHEISM ILLUSTRATED! Early next year, I will discuss Soviet anti-religious graphics and the arcane, storied and sometimes-downright-dark cartoon arts with award-winning cartoonist . Tickets HERE:

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During the 1921 Volga famine Lenin used the mass starvation and cannibalism as a pretext to seize church property "with the most ferocious and merciless energy" and to shoot clergy and resisters. The valuables, it seems, were never used for famine relief.

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SOVIET ATHEISM ILLUSTRATED! Dear Souls, on 13 January (next year!) I will discuss Soviet anti-religious graphics with award-winning cartoonist . Be there!

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In his essay "How to Organise the Competition?" Lenin called for cleansing Russia of "insects" and "vermin". In early Soviet graphics, the clergy were depicted as insects to be destroyed--as one caption had it--"in accordance with any...sanitary standard"

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Whereas Marx's analogy for religion was narcotic, Lenin's was alcoholic. In his 1905 essay, Socialism and Religion, Lenin wrote of religion as "state-clerical gin" in which "slaves of capital drown their human shape and their claims to any decent life"

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