🎤🎲Rolling in the Geek🎲🎤さんのプロフィール画像

🎤🎲Rolling in the Geek🎲🎤さんのイラストまとめ

An #highlyedited #actualplay #ttrpg podcast. Currently running D&D 5e and looking to branch into other ttrpgs. Banner by @BughopD

フォロー数:1380 フォロワー数:2093

Full Metal Alchemist would be my top but I'm on board for cowboy bebop and samurai Champloo also!

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Awe!! Happy anniversary you two! Hope your having an awesome day!

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We did an April fools episode! Instead of doing our normal D&D game we did a talk show setup but with all of the characters!


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Trevor and Harcos break through the 4th wall and into the Late Night Talk show game. We have Interviews with Ansegar, Young Cassie, Nigel, and Risigal,an animal segment with Celeana and Puffles! And a special surprise ending segment.

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Tomorrow we have a special talk show episode for April Fools day! Come join us on a comical "behind the podcast" late night type show with interviews, animal companions, and a special secret ending segment just for Harcos!

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we totally feel ya on the arachnophobia! and I both are terrified of spiders. Luckily used to be an orkin man and saves us!
you evil DM you! 😂 I picture you reading the OP like...

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Happy level up day !

Hope your day is full of adventure and crits!

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Just want to shout a HUGE thanks to ! They have thought of us and many others in numerous posts today that I really hope I managed to reply to all of!

Seriously has made a chaotic day that much brighter and we greatly appreciate it!

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