

a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl

フォロー数:1266 フォロワー数:259

bits and pieces from something old

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literally JUST NOW remembered i also drew those little fuckers like a year ago omg

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okay so Miku NT. hair is whatever idc that much. the double arm warmers look interesting i like em! and the chain is very pretty and adds a hint of hardness to the design. however, the problem i have with her. its too soft. as a standalone design shes fine and the top —

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OKAY APPEND… a hot topic i feel. idk. shes in a swimsuit with some scrap metal on her. dogs out. i respect that it mostly retains the basic miku silhouette while also going into a brand new direction, but it just is like plain bread to me. its v beautiful, in a way that —

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V4X chinese. idk what else to say than yea she slays. the shape of her top is beautiful and so are all the little accents and the frills. the braids ??? 🥺 the skirt is the same shape as v4x But it looks so good here

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the V4X is. mehh. it’s okay. i like the skinny ponytails, but i dont think making her skirt like that and leggings transparent look good tbh. she looks v stripped down in a way. however i do somehow like her weird shoes and the way her hair is spiked is amazing

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artblocked :(

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this one? i tried to post the art gif this is a screenshot from for 15 minutes but twitter hates me.😭 anyways the everskies comparison is a huge compliment ty 💖💖💖

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