

27 • Variety Streamer • Anime/Manga Enthusiast • Comic Enthusiast • Twitch Affiliate

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:595

I present to you Rome, shaman of the Grand Council

3 16

Manga vs. 2001 vs. 2021

18 42

Four of my favorite chapter covers (two page) from the Yu Yu Hakusho manga

23 77

If you could have any four special moves/skills from any anime, what would they be?

I’ll start:

Yusuke’s Spirit Gun
Kuwabara’s Dimension Sword
Kenshin’s Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū
Edward’s Alchemy

11 53

If you could command a team of any four anime characters, who would you have on your team?

I’ll start:

8 28